Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentines Day Update

Dearest Baby Girl,

Well a lot has been happening since that last time I wrote. My love for you grows everyday, and you're getting more wiggly everyday...especially around 2-3 AM. I just love filling your little jabs and kicks, it is the best part of my day. Your Dad and I have had so many blessings already come from having you in our lives, and have received so much comfort from our Heavenly Father. Like your Dad said, we have had many wonderful people in our lives praying for our little family, and it has been such a humbling experience to feel the comfort that has come from those prayers. We are forever grateful for our friends and family.

Since we've been told that the severity of your lesion qualifies you for fetal surgery, and we feel like that is the avenue we need to pursue. Since then we have been getting all the testing together to be referred to the surgical specialists. By far the worst part was getting the amniocentesis. The best part of getting the amnio is that they started the appointment with another ultrasound of you. Ah! I think you get cuter every time! Also, I'm noticing a trend of you liking to keep your hand by your face as often as you can. It just goes to prove you are my daughter because I was born with my hand on my face, and sleep that way to this day. (I guess it's a comfort thing.) You weren't big on cooperating during this ultrasound, and since we were at the University of Utah hospital there were 4 students that wanted to take a peek at your backside but you were not going to budge so they could get a better view. Once they were done with the preliminary ultrasound, the geneticists came in and explained the risks and benefits. Then finally we were ready to go. Again, you didn't really want to cooperate too much but as soon as the doctor started palpating my belly  to make sure the spot he was going to go felt good, you started wiggling around like crazy! (Now I know how to get you kicking!) Then in went the needle and you just kept kicking away. They warned me that if you started moving your face near the needle, (which actually was just the catheter that they left in) then they'd have to take it out and reinsert somewhere else. To my everlasting joy you didn't move your head near it. I was told by the ultrasound tech that they've had babies grab for the catheter, or try to suck on it, etc. So thank you for keeping it exciting, but keeping a safe distance away as well. Also, where they did end up going was high on my abdomen because of where you were positioned so it was pretty darn tender afterwards. Luckily, I never started cramping, it was just my abs that would hurt so not as bad as it could be, but I worried. Honestly though, I worry for you every single second of every single day. That's just what mom's do.

Most recently though, we've felt impressed that we need to look into the Fetal Care Center of Colorado, and we've felt that way since the beginning but didn't even know if it could be an option because the U told us that they've only worked with UCSF, and a couple other hospitals, but never Colorado. However, after having a couple great recommendations for Colorado and researching more about the medical team there, we've decided that we need to take a look at it. So after making some phone calls and making sure our insurance is accepted at that hospital too, we are set for a consultation this coming week. We will be seeing if everything else checks out for fetal surgery and meet the surgical team there. Then if we still feel that the fetal surgery is the best thing for you, and they feel it will be safe to perform on the both of us, the surgery should take place the week of Feb 24th.

Your Dad is pretty ecstatic (to put it lightly) to go back to his old mission and see people that he hasn't seen since his mission. So, it's going to kind of be a mini babymoon! Also, this is probably going to be the very easiest you'll be to travel with. ;)

Okay, I do have to tell you a couple of funny stories from this week, otherwise I'll forget by the time you grow up. Pregnancy brain has been in full swing lately, and luckily you are still tucked safely inside of me, otherwise I probably would have left you a thousand places by now. Since your dad teaches MCAT classes up at Weber on Tuesday and Thursday nights, I'll usually go up with him and just hang out at your Grandma and Grandpa Cannon's. Well since it's Grandma's birthday today, I thought we should try and make it special for her. First, your cousin Livvy and I decided to make sugar cookies last night so we could decorate them when Grandma got home from work. Well, I guess I have a hard time following a recipe because I completely forgot the eggs. And didn't realize it until we were about to put the dough in the oven and I was telling Grandma how much I love sugar cookie dough, and since this recipe didn't call for any eggs I could eat as much as I want. Then when she showed me the recipe and it did in fact call for two eggs I knew I had lost my mind. BUT we are gluttons for punishment, so we decided to bake them anyways. To my everlasting surprise, the cookies actually baked up just fine, and were moist and delicious! Well, after that I decided that I'd stick with something safe, so I would just mix in the pink food coloring to the icing so we could decorate the cookies. I poured in the food coloring then started stirring, but the icing wasn't turning pink. It was orange! So then I spent the next 10 minutes trying to turn the icing into a salmon, but instead it just turned into a dark orange. So not only did we have egg-less cookies, but now all we had was orange icing to decorate with.

I wish I could say that was the worst of it, but it's not. Like I said, it was Grandma Cannon's birthday, and every valentines day since I was little we'd get up and have pink pancakes for breakfast. Since Grandma had to work this Valentines day, your Dad, I, and Grandpa Cannon, got up very early to make sure there was a breakfast ready for Grandma's birthday. We made pink buttermilk pancakes, bacon, hash browns, and pink buttermilk syrup. (Don't worry, I had your dad check the food coloring bottle before I started adding any more food coloring to anything.) Well everything seemed to be going well and everyone "seemed" to enjoy the food, but I didn't eat any because my stomach was feeling a little upset and I blame it on the early morning. So after Grandma left, I went back to bed. Then when I got back up from my morning nap, I heated up my breakfast. It smelt and looked awesome....and then I bit into the pancakes. To put it nicely they were disguising. I later found out that I accidentally put in 1/2 tbsp instead of 1/2 tsp of the salt, baking soda, and baking powder. (I blame it a little on the fact that all the measurements have been rubbed off of Grandma's measuring spoons, but I should have noticed and I still don't know how I didn't.) When I mentioned it to Grandma this evening, everyone just sheepishly smiled and said they didn't have the heart to tell me so they continued to eat the pancakes! If that's not love then I don't know what is.

Well, Happy Valentines Day baby girl. We love you more than you'll ever be able to comprehend and pray for you constantly. Keep on growing and kicking!

All my love and more,


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