Monday, September 8, 2014

Nap time with Daddy

My Dearest Emma,

You are proving to be very VERY good at putting dad down for naps.I probably have about 100 more photos of you and your daddy asleep but I'll only share a couple.

We're so crazy in love with you sweetheart. Every day is better with you in it. 

                                                                All my love,

NICU times

Pictures from the NICU

Brand new

Just a couple hours old and you already have a bow in your hair!
Mom looks awful but it's our first family picture. whoot whoot!
Snuggling Dad

Skin to Skin with Daddy
1st Easter
Sun bathing
Chillin' like a villain
Holding tight to the binky
Right where you though the nasal cannula belonged 
weighing in
Physical Therapy with Debbie

Your 1st brace!

The start of the double chin

Finally in a big girl crib!
bath time!

Coming home

My Dearest Emma,

You are taking a nap right now so I saw it as my opportunity to try and fill you in on what's been happening lately.

You came home from the NICU on Sunday June 1, 2014. Needless to say your Father and I were excited and terrified. You had such wonderful nurses take care of you especially your two primary nurses Mollie and Mady. It was such a relief to know when we weren't there you were being taken care of by people who love you almost as much as we do.

You took feedings very seriously once we started you on oral feeds. For the first couple of days I'd be at the hospital early to feed you, then we'd have to tube feed you for 2 feedings because you'd be so exhausted from breastfeeding you'd sleep for 9 hours straight! Then we decided to try giving you a bottle when I wasn't there during the night time. You loved that! In fact after 2 days you pulled out your feeding tube and Mollie decided not to replace it until you decided not to take a feeding. Well you took the rest of your feedings orally so it was never placed again!

No more NG tube!
 You enjoyed eating so much you'd often eat twice the amount you needed! (Your dad and I joke that you eat like your Father and sleep like your Mother because you take naps very seriously as well.) You progressed so quickly with your feedings (which is what usually holds babies back from going home) we thought you'd go home 2 weeks earlier than you did BUT you kept choking on your spit up! (Although I'd rather you choke on it while we were in the hospital than when you are at home with me.) Eventually you were able to go 7 days without choking on your spit up so they had your Dad and I sleep over in the family room of the NICU so we could take care of you for 24 hours and prove that we could do it on our own.

Getting Ready for our First Sleepover (in he NICU)
Needless to say we were able to keep you alive for that first night so they let us take you home!

Here We go!
You're ready 

We stayed at Grandma and Grandpa's house for a couple of days while the carpet was replaced in our apartment.
Bath time!

Finally in our own home